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Here are two of the activities in your Nature Wellness Zone. Enjoy!
Focus on Fractals
Try when outdoors in nature
This routine is about viewing the repeated patterns in nature. This increases alpha wave activity in our brains and activates the vagal nerve which induces feelings of calm, awe and relaxation. Some studies show 60% increases in relaxation
A location with a good view of natural items that have repeating patterns e.g. a fern frond, lichen on rock, leaves on a tree etc
Start by finding a space where you feel comfortable and safe. You can sit or stand and allow yourself 5 minutes to focus on fractals.
Lets begin…
Step 1: In your location, take in a slow 360-degree scan of your surroundings. As you do, look out for any repeating patterns in the natural environment around you.
Ferns leaves are excellent fractals. So are the pattern of limbs on a tree as the branch in repeating ways from the thick limbs to the small branches.
There are also fractals in lichen, the ripples in water, the clouds in the sky or the bark on a tree.
Find a repeating pattern that grabs your interest.
Step 2: Now take time to look more closely at the pattern. What shapes are being formed. How are the patterns repeating?
Softly gaze at the pattern, the shapes and forms.
Step 3: When looking at the shapes, notice how to they make you feel. Have you noticed any changes in how your body feels?
Step 4: If you can, move closer to that object and being gentle and with respect feel its texture. How does it feel? If it is too far away, just image how it might feel.
Step 5: Now take another scan of the natural environment. Find another type of repeating pattern.
Step 6: Look more closely at the pattern. What shapes are being formed. How are the patterns repeating? Does viewing patterns slow the busyness in your mind, or make you feel more relaxed?
Step 7: If you can, move closer to that object and being gentle and with respect feel its texture.
Step 8: Finally offer some gratitude for all the ways that nature can inspire us
Play guided audio (below)
This activity increases alpha waves in our brains, which induce feelings of calm, awe and relaxation. Looking at patterns in nature has the same effect on our emotions as listening to classical music!
Breathe Slowly
Try when outdoors in nature or indoors
This abdomen breathing routine takes visitors through a simple breathing strategy to take more effective breaths to increase their relaxation and decrease any stress.
Ideally in locations that has a seat or naturally invites individuals to sit. Although also suitable for standing.
Breathing into the abdomen is a simple way to take more effective breaths, increasing relaxation and decreasing stress.
This activity takes between 2-4 minutes.
Step 1: Find a comfortable position, sitting or standing, and let your body relax.
Step 2: For a few breaths, observe the natural flow and rhythm of your breathing. Notice the parts of your body that move as you breathe.
Step 3: Bring your attention to your abdomen and relax it as you breathe. Feel the abdomen expand as you breathe in and relax as you breathe out.
Step 4: Gradually let your breath lengthen and make your exhalation longer than your inhalation. Breathe in for a count of four and out for a count of six or eight. Relax with each breath. Take about 10 breaths this way.
Step 5: Notice the quality of your breath and how you feel.
Play guided video (below)
People practicing slow breathing techniques may experience increased comfort, relaxation, sleep quality, pleasantness, vigour and alertness, and reduced levels of anxiety, depression, anger and confusion. Use this activity as a quick and powerful de-stress anytime you need it.